Master Planning & Architecture
- Urban planning
- Structural engineering
- Technical project management
- Interior design
- Turnkey consulting
- Project evaluation
- Infrastructure design
- Construction supervision
- Adventure tourism concepts
- Master planning
- Planning and development
- Project definition and site
- Planning
- Marketing analyses and studies
- Project management
- Appraisals and reports
- Development and operational consulting
- Environmental impact studies
- Leisure and sports development,
- Operational management
- Project financing
- Equipment and purchasing
- Operational project control
- Real estate and leisure appraisals
- Tenders, technical documentation
- Marketing and sales planning and campaigns.
- Technical project management and scheduling. Architectural planning.
- Interior design.
- Construction, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering.
- Quantity takeoff
- Cost planning, budget estimates, cost control
- Design and construction
- Contract documents and tendering methods
- Construction monitoring and quality control services
- Catch and completion certification
- Material selection, testing and inspection
- Engineering equipment services
The master planning process follows a logical pattern of identifying and completing all required architectural services as follows:
- Architects’ site visit
Project identification
Compilation of the architectural design brief - Determination of theme options
- Environmental impact considerations
- Review of social impact criteria
- Spatial planning and zoning
Initial (draft) architectural master plan - Detailed (final) architectural master plan
Preparation of the design book
The architectural master planning process will:
- Support the results of the marketing and financial feasibility study. Serve as press and media support documents
- Provide a basis for costing the individual design components Highlight environmental sensitivities
- Address social and environmental Impact
- Provide a roadmap for government and political bodies to discuss and determine regulatory approvals
- Overcome potential public objections to customized project concepts.